STANDARTS ; EN 933-2,ISO 3310-1,ISO 3310-2,ISO 565 ASTM E11
The sieves are manufactured as a stainless steel and it can be manufactured wire mesh as a 2oo mm dia and 50 mm height or 300 mm dia and 75 mm height
Concrete Sieve Set
31,5-22,4-16-11,2-8-5,6-4-2-1-0,5-0,25-0,125-0,063 mm ; 13 pieces + drip pan & lid
Asphalt Sieve Set
3"-2 1/2"2"-1 1/2"-1"-3/4"-1/2"-3/8"- No:4-8-10-30-40-50- 80-100-200 ; 17 pieces and drip pan & lid
Soil Sieves Set
75-50-37,5-25-19-9,5-4,75-2-0,850-0,425-0,250- 0,1106- 0,75 mm; 13pieces and drip pan & lid